Bertrand Sport Avocat
Our Law Firm is dedicated exclusively to thepractice of sports law and in the defense of athletes in alldisciplines (eg, football, basketball, cycling, golf, handball,skating, athletics, volleyball, hockey, boxing, rugby, tennis,gymnastics ).This application presents our law firm, its lawyers, itsservices, its areas of expertise ...In particular, you will have access to all our articles insports legal news and sports law jurisprudence.If you are a client of the firm, you can also access yourPrivate Area.Finally, you can send us a question or contact us directlythrough the application.Our firm and its lawyers are based, but we practice all aroundthe world, before all state courts (Labour Court, CIvil Court,Administrative Court, ...) or sport's one (legal or disciplinaryFederal Commission, Olympic Committee, Fifa's CRL, Court ofArbitration for Sport, ....).Our main focus areas are applied to the needs of athletesregarding labor law, administrative and disciplinary law,international law, image rights and sponsorship, tax law, sport'sagents, .....For more information, visit our website.